Monday, June 12, 2006

Where have all the real Catholics gone?

June 12 - St. John of Facundo, Confessor
Double Feast

St. Peter's Basilica

Pax Christi!

As you may have known being a Traditional Catholic is a bitter path to tread.  This is all the more true for someone who was deeply rooted in the system so to speak.  Someone who's had fulfilling relationships with the people around him.  Someone who's had opportunities of influencing the lives of other people similar to my age who yearn for the truth but is quite confused.

Now when the time came to a full realization of what was happening in our Church and after letting everyone know that I intend to leave some long standing friends were betrayed and hurt by what I said.  And that to me is the most painful of all:  Leading them to what they perceived as the Truth and then telling them that it is somewhere else.

Well, that was already a long time ago and now I know that I did the right thing.  It was a good thing I did that than pretend that everything is alright.

Now for those who are scratching their heads and wondering what the heck am I talking about?  I wish to assure you that I haven't left the Catholic Faith and that I haven't totally given up on the group that I was a significant part of before (in the name of prudence I will not mention the name of the group). 

All I am saying is that I have come to the full realization of the Truth that the Catholic Church is in a severe crisis of Faith that is unmatched in its two thousand year history.  This is what led me to take necessary steps for the salvation of my soul and for those whom I hold dear in my heart.

to be continued...

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