Friday, May 20, 2005

Why Change?

Laudetur Jesus Christus!

Most regular visitors to will notice the constant and unchanging feature of this blog. Which is quite beautiful as it is quite simple. That constant and unchanging feature folks is nothing. Because nothing was ever posted for a couple of months now and perhaps they are leaving in droves in dissapointment. That is the main reason why the blog is constant and unchanging.

But that is exactly what I wanted to show you guys. I want you to know that no matter how many different topics and issues are discussed here the truth of the matter is that it will only constitute a tiny fragment of a gigantic picture that does not and will not change.
That is why no matter how much pressure the media and the rest of the world is pushing against the hardline stance the Catholic Church is taking against abortion, women priests, the abolition of celibacy, and embryonic stem cell research to name a few - the Church will always uphold the Magisterium (the teaching facility of the Church) and will stick to what It has taught for almost 2,000 years.

Despite the clamor for change and revolution in today's society, what everybody else needs to know is that God does not change and so does His laws and His Church.
Most often the change our society has underwent proved to be disastrous morally and economically. Europe is one example - once a strong bastion of Roman Catholicism this continent prided itself in bringing barbarous and chaotic nations and kingdoms to Christendom which promoted civility and order. This continent alone produced the most Martyrs, and holy Saints for the Church. It has produced the most beautiful minds, artists and musicians. And almost all the nations in the continent recognized the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ. Today, Europe has developed an almost incurable amnesia. It forgot its Catholic, let alone Christian legacy and has moved from being a God-centered society to a man-centered society. Crime and immorality is at an all-time high and sanctity and belief in God is at an all-time low which alarmed the late Pope John Paul II and even our current Pope Benedict XVI.
But more serious than all of these is the change which took place more than forty years ago which will shape the destiny of humankind towards the wrath of God almighty and in throes of the Antichrist. I will discuss more of this later.

The Bigger View can also be read at and