Saturday, September 11, 2004

Its good to be here!!

Laudetur Iesus Christus!

Just this evening, I read Ate Yolly's e-mail. Good thing I had answered it just in time. It was about the Two Child Policy (House Bill No. 16) and it is very frustrating. Ate Yolly is asking us to obtain a copy of this document from the Batasan. So, I left it to my trusty ol' pal Jerwin. I hope he reads my e-mail.

All I know about HB00016 is it grants tax exemptions to couples who only have two children. Those who have more though, will be taxed more. Now, does that tick you off? Well, I have no qualms about the government being worried about the population and all. But pleeeeeazzzzzze, isn't this an overreaction? Look at Singapore and Europe where they are currently facing a dwindling youth population. Ate Yolly in her e-mail said that this bill will make life for Catholics a wee bit harder since it will force them to use contraceptives which of course, the Church prohibits.

Let us make sure that this bill will not see the light of day.