The Fatima Network
Our Lady’s Electronic Newsletter: December 2007
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Planned Parenthood: The Nice Baby-Killers
Everyone wants to get on the Planned Parenthood bandwagon, it seems. This summer no fewer than three leading Democratic presidential hopefuls -- Barack Obama, John Edwards and the very pious Hillary "I pray, you know" Clinton -- went to Washington to seek the endorsement of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
To read their literature, one would think that Planned Parenthood’s mission is the aggressive but "altruistic" promotion of what it calls "women’s reproductive health". In fact, this "non-profit" organization reported 2005-6 revenues of 903 million dollars! Much of this money comes from the likes of David Rockefeller, David Packard, Bill Gates, and George Soros.
What is it that Planned Parenthood really does? Its name brings to mind long-ago "crusades" against all the just laws that once outlawed contraceptive devices for all, even for married couples. It also conjures up images of married "responsible" adult women taking "rational" steps to postpone conception and limit family size so as to fit their economic and emotional wants -- not unwed high school girls seeking clandestine abortions.
But that’s exactly what Planned Parenthood does! A major part of its evil activities is the funding and operation of abortion clinics -- places where women go, often in the company of their husbands or illicit lovers, to have their babies killed.
Planned Parenthood thrives on today’s lax attitudes toward sex and birth control. Although Holy Mother Church inveighs against artificial contraception, Her commands are honored more in the breach than the observance, even by "good Catholics". Similarly, priests know from hearing confessions that even "good Catholic" young people, some only in their teens, regularly indulge in sex before marriage. Then where do they go to get rid of the resultant unwanted baby? To a Planned Parenthood "clinic"!
Planned Parenthood is a nice baby-killer. The organization's reassuringly neat and clean website uses words like safe, health, trust, medical standards, high quality, and training, along with soothing photographs of crisply groomed, white-clad, mostly female professionals. It is a good place to go to have your baby murdered!
Planned Parenthood promotes this image of being a "force for good in the community" so effectively that ignorant or apostate Catholic laypeople, Catholic politicians, even Catholic clergy, are taken in. GOP presidential contender Rudy Giuliani defended his donation to Planned Parenthood on the grounds that the organization "makes information available" about other options, including adoption, to women facing crisis pregnancies.
After all, forestalling teen pregnancy, battling disease, reminding pregnant women that they don't have to abort, are all good things, right?
Good Catholics must realize and remember that God forbids the use of the marriage act outside of the sacrament of marriage between one man and one woman. That is because God is our creator and since He made us out of nothing, He owns us body and soul. Our bodies, with all their faculties, are not ours, we are only stewards of them and we must give an accounting to God.
The physical capacity to bring new human life into the world, that is, the capacity to cooperate with God in procreation - is indeed very sacred and is subject to God's explicit commands in the Bible. Neither fornicators, nor adulterers, nor sodomites can go to Heaven but will go to hell - unless they effectively repent and are sacramentally absolved (or by a perfect act of contrition) of their sins before they die. (Deathbed conversions are about 1 in 200,000 - that is one in two hundred thousand - according to Saint Jerome.)
Every act of marriage must be open to God the Creator sending new human life. Thus the use of all contraceptives is always a mortal sin as are all abortions. No exceptions, even if some bishop or group of bishops teaches otherwise.
And all must realize that Planned Parenthood, contrary to the impression it works hard to create, focuses obsessively on abortion, providing more abortions to an increasingly younger clientele every year. A good Catholic who has the reverence for life that Our Lord and the Church teaches us, should not, can not, must not support them!
Adapted from "Planned Parenthood's Unseemly Empire: The Billion-Dollar 'Non-Profit'", by Charlotte Allen,
"Lying with Impunity: Planned Parenthood's Secret Abortion Clinic", by Mark Earley,
"Where Have All The Catholics Gone? On Population Control", talk given by Michal Semin at Last Chance for World Peace, October 2006,
"Illinois Bishop To Conduct Interfaith Service With Pro-Abort Rabbi", by Christopher A. Ferrara,
"The Assault On Our Children Continues: One Mother's Report" , by Virginia Dolajak,
"The UN Charter Attacks the Family", article found in The Fatima Crusader, page 11,
"The UN: False Way to World Peace", video of a talk by Cornelia Ferreira at Only Way to World Peace, August 2007
Bishops Who Defy Summorum Pontificum
"in Rebellion Against the Pope"
Strong words from Archbishop Albert Ranjith Patabendige, the Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, were reported recently on the Italian Petrus website. The Archbishop confirmed reports published in this newsletter and elsewhere of "criticism and resistance" to Summorum Pontificum, Pope Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio which effectively restores the Tridentine Latin Mass.
The Sri Lankan prelate said the hostility in some cases amounted to "rebellion against the Pope." How ironic that this charge, previously hurled against such traditionalists as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (d. 1991) should now be made against bishops of the "mainstream church".
Archbishop Ranjith charged that in some dioceses, bishops and their representatives have set out policies "inexplicably" limiting the scope of the Motu Proprio. He opined that their disobedience might be driven by "on the one hand, ideological prejudices, and on the other hand, pride -- one of the deadliest sins."
Archbishop Ranjith said that "everyone, and particularly every pastor, is called to obey the Pope, who is the successor to Peter." He warned bishops to follow the Holy Father’s directive faithfully, "setting aside all pride and prejudice."
Original report from Petrus, in Italian
Buy, The Suicide of Altering the Faith in the Liturgy, by Father Paul Kramer
Australia's Cardinal Pell Celebrates Mass in Latin
Meanwhile, at least one bishop has welcomed the Motu Proprio. Australian Cardinal George Pell recently became the first Sydney Archbishop in 40 years to celebrate Mass in Latin according to the 1962 Roman Missal. He did so, he said, to celebrate Pope Benedict's apostolic letter.
The Canberra-based Oriens Foundation, which promotes understanding of the Tridentine Rite, said the Cardinal’s Mass "represented a significant event in the life of the local Church." Its chairman Gary Scarrabelotti, said he hoped the event would provide the Church "with a splendid opportunity to draw to the attention of the Catholic people, and to the wider community, the great cultural and spiritual merits of the traditional form of Catholic worship."
Oriens Foundation media release,
The latest printing of the 1962 Missale Romanum will soon be available from the Fatima Shoppe. Meanwhile, we recommend the New Marian Missal, by Sylvester P. Juergens, S.M., from The Fatima Shoppe
Who Was Right About the Modern World:
St. Pius X or the Popes of Vatican II?
Pope Saint Pius X may well be regarded as the greatest Pope of the 20th Century. So far, at least, he is the only one to have been canonized. Even though his work and writings have been denigrated by some high-level Churchmen in the years since Vatican II, all Catholics owe him an immeasurable debt of gratitude.
In October, coinciding with the Feast of Christ the King, Catholic Family News held a conference in Cleveland, Ohio, to commemorate and celebrate 100 years of Pascendi, Pope St. Pius X’s best-known encyclical against Modernism.
Yet there are other writings of the Holy Pontiff which deserve to be revisited. They contain dire warnings of the evils that would befall the Church and the world at large if the modernist trends which Pius observed were allowed to continue. For nearly 60 years, the Church heeded these admonitions, which are echoed in the Message of Fatima. Then, with Vatican II, Modernism was allowed to triumph, and the Pope’s predictions have been proven correct.
In 1903, Pius X published his first encyclical, E Supremi. This set the tone for his entire papacy. In it, Pius clearly recognizes his first duty to guard the integrity of the Catholic Faith, and to protect the flock entrusted to him from poisonous doctrine.
Pius X was unencumbered by rose-colored glasses. He saw the world as it really was. And because he was a saint, he also looked at the world from God's point of view. He saw clearly "that the number of the enemies of the cross of Christ has in these last days increased exceedingly, who are striving, by arts entirely new and full of subtlety, to destroy the vital energy of the Church, and if they can, to overthrow utterly Christ's Kingdom itself."
The Pope referred not only to anti-clerical forces outside the Church, but to the enemies of Christ inside the Church: priests, bishops, theologians, and laity who espoused a perverse system called "Modernism," rightly denounced by Pius X as the "synthesis of all heresies". "The danger" he said, is "in the very veins and heart of the Church."
Pascendi followed E Supremi in 1907. Then, in 1910, Pope Saint Pius X issued the last and perhaps most important of his three anti-Modernist pronouncements. It was the Motu Proprio Sacrorum Antistitum, that contained the famous "Oath Against Modernism", which all bishops and priests were obliged to swear to until it was done away with in the "reforms" of Vatican II.
A study of E Supremi, Pascendi and Sacrorum Antistitum will give concerned Catholics a better idea of the errors of Russia and the evils of Modernism against which the Blessed Virgin warned us when She appeared at Fatima.
Click here for the complete English text of Pope St. Pius X’s E Supremi,
Be sure to read "Modernism in a Nutshell: Religion Must Change With the Times!" by John Vennari,
Also highly recommended: "Antichrist Rising" by Michal Semin.
Read about The Fatima Movement of Priests.
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