Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Rite Time

Yes, sad but true. Catholics everywhere have been anticipating the release of a document allowing a freer celebration of the Tridentine Mass.

But from what I've learned so far it really doesn't matter. Because as far as I know the Old rite was never suppressed.

In 1986 Pope John Paul appointed a commission of nine Cardinals to examine the legality of the Tridentine Latin Mass. The nine Cardinals were asked two questions:

1. Did Pope Paul VI authorize the bishops to forbid the celebration of the traditional Mass?
2. Does the priest have the right to celebrate the traditional Mass in public and in private without restriction, even against the will of the bishop?

The Commission answered in private, that:

1. Pope Paul VI did not forbid the celebration of the Tridentine Latin Mass
2. Priests are in no way obligated the celebrate the New Rite of Mass
3. Bishops cannot place any restrictions on the celebration of the Old Rite of Mass.

So there, having said it I rest my case.
clipped from
faith-based: Religion, spirituality, and sacrilege.

Rite TurnCan the Latin Mass make a comeback?

When word began to spread last year that Pope Benedict XVI might release a document that would allow some changes in the ways Catholic worship on Sunday mornings, the reaction in some quarters approached giddy enthusiasm. "It's coming … it's coming!" wrote one blogger of the imminent release of the papal decree. (As it turned out, its release was not so imminent. Catholics who were waiting are still waiting, though reports now suggest the announcement could come in a few weeks.)

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